Ministry of Finance of Japan and Palau Held the Second Bilateral High-Level Dialogue



On 21 December 2022, “Japan-Palau Ministry of Finance Bilateral High-level Dialogue” was held virtually at the Ministry of Finance in the Capitol. From the Palau side, Minister of Finance Hon. Kaleb Udui Jr., Director of Budget and Planning Mr. Casmir Remengesau, Bank and Financial Advisor Mr. Kentaro Ishii attended the meeting. From the Japan side, Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs Mr. Hideaki Imamura, staffs from Bureau of International Affairs and Policy Research Institute attended the meeting.


This dialogue is a new initiative aimed at strengthening cooperation between Japan and Palau in the economic and financial fields through high-level dialogues on a wide range of economic topics. The first meeting was held virtually in June 2021, followed by the second meeting this time.


At the meeting, both Ministries of Finance exchanged opinions on Palau’s current economic situation, prioritized economic and fiscal policies and potential further cooperation projects including people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, concluded with both sides’ agreement to continue the dialogue. Minister Udui stated, “This dialogue shows our partnership is real. Palau faces impacts of climate change and we have chances to learn together. I hope to continue further cooperation with Japan to let us become closer.” Deputy Vice Minister Imamura expressed his appreciation for the opportunity of the dialogue and said, “We would like to welcome Minister Udui and hold the next dialogue in Tokyo if situation allows next year.”